Friday 5 November 2010

Short update, shuffle and flow homework

Just when i got the ball rolling, fucking potraiser locked my money for over a month. i ended up playing 100NL on bodog, volume has been low cos i just cant play my A game often enough when i worry bout my money at potraiser and HEM not working on Bodog (finding excuse not 2 play i guess) Been playing really well, following my session goals most of the time. i been owning lots of other regs, i just feel i m so much better than almost every1 at this limit. I go thru phrases where i feel i m really good but then lose a bunch of money afterwards and realize i actually sucks lol, so hopefully wont happen this time.

Just started watching Travis Steff's vids on DC, and there is some homework after each video, i am going to be doing this everyweek and post it here. Heres the 1st one:

Write down everything you do each day to prepare to win in poker.

How much time do you commit?

What things are you doing exactly?

Well I try to spend roughly 4 hrs a day doing poker related stuff, but I often find excuses not to do anything. E.g meeting up with friends, playing playstation etc.

When I actually do play, I will usually have three 1hr sessions and finish the day with 1hr of HHs review and making notes. Somedays when I don’t feel like playing, I will just watch vids for 4hrs, the concentration level is usually very low, I always have to rewind, also I always get distracted during this period such as talking 2 ppl on skype, browsing etc. so in the end I only really get to watch 2 vids in the span of 4hrs.

Go through that list.

What other things could you be doing more of that you aren’t doing enough of?

Things I don’t do enough are basically playing, I should be playing more sessions during the day instead of being lazy. I am happy with the way I review HHs, but I guess I should be posting in this blog more often and write down my thought process

What things you should be doing that aren’t doing at all.

Getting into a routine, go to sleep early and get up early, eat healthily and regularly

Doing sweats and discussing HHs with other people, its something I want to get involved but most poker friends I have play higher than me so doing sweat and discussing HHs would be a waste of time for them.

What are you doing that you know you shouldn’t be doing?

Staying up late, getting smashed, chatting shit with friends during the day, playing playstation, eating junk food, downloading and watching porn and fucking livejasmin.

GL everyone