Tuesday 14 September 2010

All done now :)

Havnet really been playing for the last couple of months or so due to dissertation and uni, but its all done now. Going to start playing next week, will probably play 500 to 1k hands a day to start and gradually build it up to 1.5k to 2k hands a day by end of the yr.

I will prob start to play 50k hands at 50NL (euros) since i havent been playing for so long plus i have turned into a even bigger BR nit, then move up to 100NL and grind there til i make 10k then move up to 200NL sometime next yr.
I feel like i ve got the skill to beat 200NL, i just need to make sure i play my A game as often as possible and not tilt when things get really shitty.
One thing that helped me loads after my 40bi downswing was focusing on small goals for each session instead of on my cashier, the goals i wd b focusing are as follows:

  1. 3betting different ranges vs different players based on their tendency.
  2. Cbetting and knowing firing multiple barrels in 3bet pots ( i feel like my cbetting strategies r pretty ok in single raise pot)
  3. Beware of gameflow at all time, dont make plays just because its my standard e.g 3betting and 4betting pre, barrelling etc.
  4. Beware of PSR, knowing how to set up betsize to put the last bet in or let villain to put last bet in etc.
  5. Making sure not to autopilot

Beside these goals, i am going to make a real effort in experimenting:

  1. Leading into PFR esp BB vs LP (grog gave me a lesson on leading a while back so will be trying that shit out, ty)
  2. More cold 4bet bluffing, i hardly ever see ppl do it in my limit and my cold 4bet always seems to get a lot of respect, so will prob be doing 1:1 air to nuts ratio ( depends on gameflow obv)
  3. Turning made hands into bluffs, this s an area i been thinking about a lot, don't really have a clue when to do it but i guess i will find out by doing it.
Off table work:
To get better at poker, i am going to need to do a lot more work off the table.
I am going to spend at least 2hrs a day working on my game which will mainly be reviewing hands, making notes on opponents and making gbucks calculations (no idea how yet but will figure it out) and watch some vids too if i ve got nothing else to do.

Thats all i could think of for now, will add more if i can think of anything else, any suggestion wd b cool.

Hope everyone s running good in life and poker!!



  1. Good luck! When I first quit my job and went 'pro' I immediately lost virtually my entire BR, then broke even for 8 months. Turned out I wasn't very good. Hope/ sure you will fare better though.


  2. Way to give the guy confidence grog. Saying that I broke even the first 2 weeks I "turned pro". There's a different kind of pressure after that.

  3. haha its fine, i think grog was playing 200NL at the time? i m still playing 100NL atm, and i feel i m quite a bit better than most regs there, so i feel pretty confident really. Also my offline roll is decent enuf that i dont really have to worry bout not winning at least for a yr.
    I m not worry about money so much right now, just want to get better and dick wit ppl really.

    Hope u guys are doing well at the tables :)
