Monday 10 January 2011


I guess I m the only one reading this blog (may be Chris too) but I might as well write down my goals this for 2011.

2010 really sucks balls, my volume was extremely low, ended up playing less than 200k hands and made just over 10k inc rakeback faling wayyyy short of my goal. I wd blame having too much work at uni for my low volume but in the end of the day, i m just lazy as hell, well at least when it comes to playing.

I usually work really hard when it comes to stuff i really enjoyed, but poker is completely different. I obv really enjoy poker, but in a different way to most of other players. Some people just loves playing, and some people just want to make money. But to me, poker is like a puzzle, i enjoy learning different theories, strategies, maths of how and why a play will work etc and analysising hands in details. I dont actully enjoy playing, or winning money, I just like learning the game on paper and thinking about it in my head.

So this year, I am going to try my hardest to grind and try and make some money even if it means I wont enjoy myself as much. Lots of people have to do shitty job to make money, I should just be grateful that I can sit at home clicking buttons to pay for my expenses. Below are some of the goals i have for poker this year.

NL 6max - at least 300k hands by the end of the year. Not going to table select, just going to sit down and play against decent players to try and get better. I am also going to try not sticking to one style because my fav vid producer plays like that, I will be playing different strategies against different players and develop my own style.

NLHU - I want to get into HU and looking to play 100 to 200k hands by the end of the year, hopefully by the end of the year, I will be good enough to beat 100NLHU.

SNG - some days i just hate grinding cash games, so SNG will be a good change of pace, I also want to get good at push and fold because going deep in a tournament and getting crushed when stacks get shallow by donks are just wayyy too depressing. I dont know how much SNG i will be playing, but I am looking around 10 to 20 SNGs per week.

Money - Looking to make around 30k inc rakeback which was my goal last year, it really shouldnt be a problem as long as i play enough hands and not waste any time fucking about.

Thats it really, hope all my poker friends make good money and achieve their goals this year!!!


  1. Wrote out a massive response and somehow deleted it. Depressed.

  2. Fuck thats depressing :( any cliff notes of ur long reply?

  3. Short version:

    It's more difficult to get in hands at HU than you think. Your number is highly over estimated.

    Playing with better players is ok, but 6 regs the major winner is the poker site through rake. I try and have one fish or weak player on each of my tables.

  4. Thanks man, will 50 to 100k hands be more realistic? I think playing against 6 regs s ok as long as theres no super aggro guy directly to my left as I feel most regs at SSNL play pretty straight forward and bad. I m sure ur statement is true at MSNL i will just have to do a bit of table select then.
