Monday 14 June 2010

Ok, i lied!! some hands

After writing up my rountine, i didnt stick to it. i have been getting up early everyday, have breakfast lunch regularly, but i havent stick to my playing schedule. I have been playing very little over the last 2 weeks, instead of playing, i have been working on my game.

I have been watching these vids made by a stox coach called matt janda teaching how to play game theory optimal. I found the vids very very interesting, it showed me what is the optimal calling frequency vs different bet sizes on each street and optimal bluffing frequencies based on my best sizes. I dont know how useful this GTO stuff is to my game, i m not planning on playing GTO, just thought knowing what the optimal strategy will allow me to understand better at exploiting people's leaks.

I have also been using stoxev, to work on 3betting ranges and 4betting ranges and calculate the EV of my cbetting strategies on different boards. i feel like stoxev has improved my understanding of the game a lot, i think i know a lot better when to cbet, when to fire multiple barrels and when not to.

I dont think the reason i havnet been playing is because i m lazy, i think the reason is i enjoy learning about the game too much. I spend most of my time watching vids, thinking about 3betting and 4betting ranges, calculating EV and making a ton of notes. i just dont want to play until i have totally understood the concept i have been working on. And by the time i finish with 1 concept, i will want to learn another 1, it just never end.

I need to find a way of balancing my playing and learning, theres no point in learning all these stuff if i dont play. Right now, i m probably doing 80% learning and 20% playing. I am going to change slowly, starting from this week, i will be doing 50% leaning and 50% playing, nxt week i will be doing 60/40 and hopefully 75/25 the week after that.

Anyway enough bullshit, lets look at some of the hands i have played lately. All of these hands are 50NL euro games which works out to be around 60NL. I will be grinding this stake for a month and hopefully my roll will be big enough for me to move up to the 100nl euros games.

Hand 1: misplayed AA,
Villain is a 26/4 passive fish, flop is obv standard, i bet on the bigger side because he is unlikely to fold any pair. On the turn, i suffered from the monster under the bed sydrome, i was really worried he hit his 9. But thinking about it now, there shouldnt be too many 9x in his range, i shud just bet bigger for value vs pp and charge draws. On the river, i wasn't sure if i should value bet, there shouldnt be any Kx in his range unless its Kxss, TT- QQ will prob raise PF, and i wasnt sure if 5x, 66- 88 will call another bet.

Hand 2: Value bet river?
Villain is 13/7 nit, betting flop and turn is standard, if i get raised on the turn, i will prob have to fold since he is so nitty. On the river, i dont think he is ever folding Qx but i only beat KQ, QT, JT. But QT and JT is prob not even ijn his PF calling range, i guess this is too thin and i should just c/f the river.

Hand 3: Boat on river 3bet pot.
Villain is 27/20, raise 1st 41%, fold to 3bet 68%.
PF, he is folding to a lot of 3bet and he is OOP, i think my air to nut ratio should be pretty wide here, probably 4:1 at least.
Flop: the board is kind of drawy PSR is 5.7. I didnt pay attention to the stack size and thought we are just 100bb deep, so i thought of just betting pot on flop and shove turn.
Turn: I realized i fucked up my bet size on the flop, leaving an awkward stack size opn the turn. I didnt want to bet small since there are now two flushes on the board, but i donty really want to just shove. but thinking about it now, i should either bet small giving him a chance to shove over with his draw or just shove and get called by AJ, KJ and may be TT that didnt 4bet PF.
River: not the best card for me, it is quite plausible he has Jx here, FD prob shove flop some % of the time. I cant really see him bluffing here, eff is 40bb with 150bb in the pot, he cant expect me to fold anything. what shall i do here? can i call?

Hand 4: 3bet pot spew
Villain is 20/15, fold to resteal 75%. since he is folding so much i dont want really to 3bet tweener hands vs him, so i made my Kxs and Qxs my bluff range here.
Flop: PSR is 5, the board hit his range pretty well, so i guess i shouldnt really bet the flop, but i thought i have a over and BDFD lets give it a go. He tanked and called.
Turn: because of his timing on the flop, it really made me believe he wasnt very comfortable with his what is most likely to be a marginal hand. 8 is a bad double barrel card, and i assume he knows this so if i bet here i will actually look really strong (prob levelling myself). I decided to go ahead and bet 1/2p because i think it is big enough to put his whole stack at risk and i m giving myself a good price on the bluff. But with no equity whatsoever, i should just check and give up

Hand 5: FPS again?
Villain is 21/16 cbet 50% of the time
Flop: i think when he checks turn, he has a marginally hand very often and air obv.
Turn: since i think he hasa marginal hand here a lot, it makes me want to bluff him. I could lead out here and bet river, but i wasn't sure if 2 bets s enought to make him fold, so i went for a c/r thinking i can put pressure on his med strength hand and fold out his air.
River: so at this point, i think its pretty clear he has a marginal hand, so i went ahead and bet to try and get him fold. I know i m not repping anything, but i think people at this stake generally concerns more with their hands rather than mine.



  1. Let him worry about what junk he calls a river jam with.

    Hand 2: I check call the turn against some people and check fold it against others. On the flop when the nit calls with a player to act I feel like you can narrow his range to QQ/99/22/AQ. he might peel JJ on the flop which obvy got theere on the turn. So since we are ahead of only AQ and he probably won't bet it if checked to i'd go ahead v him and c/f the turn and 100% cf the river as played.

    What are you hoping to get called by on the river that you beat? Where is the value in betting? When you check this guy is never value betting worse and probably checks behind the 1 v unlikely hand that you beat of kQ.

    Hand 3: The river all draws miss and you get insane odds.. you have to call. You need to be good 17.4% or to word it differently you are getting close to 5/1 odds. I think some rando can bluff this % when he sticks that much money in and his draws whiff. Don't feel bad about a call the maths back you up ;)

    Hand 4: Awful turn card to continue bluffing. There weren't going to be many tbh. Just give it up.

    Hand 5: Chris's theorem on bluffing "Do not take funky lines with bluff hands". When you take a non standard line people are far more likely to get curious and call you down. This use to be the easiest call down in midstakes. Nobody ever had the goods here. So I switched it and always had the goods here. Value town baby. You got lucky on the river. I guess he had a heart draw.

  2. I copy n paste from notepad. Hand 1 should read:

    Hand 1. Bet the turn bigger. Jam river. He can have a 9 btw playing his style, but usually he doesn't. Let him worry about what junk he calls a river jam with. You look like you can be bluffing on the k.

  3. thanks Chris,

    hand 2, the value bet on the river s just terrible, at the time i thought Qx s never folding the river, but QJ AQ beat me and there just not many combos of Qx that a beat in his range apart from KQ.

    hand 4, if we dont bet the turn, should we not have bet the flop at the 1st place? i mean 88 - JJ never goin 2 fold, he will probably float with overcards as well, may be just c/f flop?

    hand 5, ye my line is so FOS, i m trying to add some creativity in my game but keep finding the wrong spot.

  4. Hand 4: Most of the value in 3bets is from taking it down on the flop with a cbet.

  5. ye i see wot u mean dude, but wot exactly can we fold out just by betting 1 street? even overcards will peel us when they have position imo. Not questioning ur advices, just curious thats all.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Your betting spades, an Ace and a K again on the turn. So you are barrelling twice on some cards, but if you think you are getting floated too often or just won't take it down with a cbet often enough then don't cbet just give it up.

  8. Aha, ok that makes a lot of sense now, so there are like 25% of turn cards we can barrel, which balance the time we have a real hand. Thanks for explaining dude.
