Thursday 27 May 2010


Going to be back in Manchester on Sunday, and from the 1st of June, i m going to start playing more poker and follow a proper rountine everyday. My rountine is going to be as followed:

7:30, get up and shower

8:00, breakfast (I dont have breakfast regularly, i m going to make sure i do and i wont allow myself to play until i had my breakfast)Got to make sure i have my vitamins afterwards too.

8:30, have a walk near my apartments to clear my mind and calm myself down, got to make sure i walk slowly and not rush (again not allowed to play unless this s done)

9:00, start playing, going to stick with short sessions, no longer than an hr each and have 15 mins rest in between (may be 30 mins)

12:00, review hands for the morning, make notes etc

12:45, lunch time

1:45, 15mins walk to clear my mind again

2:00, play poker again, stick with short sessions, short breaks in between

4:30, review hands played in the afternoon and make notes and posts at least 3 a day onto the blog

5:30, hit the gym every Tuesday and Thursday

The rountine is only for Monday to Friday, wkend will be dedicated for studying, watching videos and making notes, doing EV calculations and playing on StoxEV. Will be playing a couple of short sessions if i have time and hit the gym at least once too.


  1. lol sorry cant spell, fuck i m such a dick

  2. Martin I notice you say things like fuck i'm such a dick quite often. I know you are only poking fun at yourself, but I think it's -ev for your mental health. If you say things like this often enough you start to believe them or just think negatively of yourself in generalcausing drops in confidence.

    I actually prefer to think i'm the coolest mother fucker alive. While it can certainly be disputed i'll be fucked if i'll let anybody tell me different.

  3. I used to be one of those really cool guys (seriously lol) but a few things happened in the last couple of yrs really crushed my confidence. I m happy now, i just dont want to be that arrogant guy i used to be, it got me into way too much shit

  4. Girlfriend in routine?

    You need the arrogant attitude, if only in poker. When I'm playing my best I have a very healthy disrespect for virtually everyone at the table

  5. My gf doesnt finsih work til 630, so i m pretty all hers from then on.

    Ye may be i need to be arrogant at the tables, but i think being confident with my abilty to beat up other regs should be enough.
