Monday 8 March 2010

I m shit....... this yr so far.....emo post

This is my graph so far this yr ( mostly 100NL on UB and some 50NL on ladbrokes), volume is low cos i only been playing since Feb.
I feel like such a failure!! there are so many fish on UB and ladbrokes, but yet i cant win shit. Doing bobbo's coaching has helped my understanding of the game a lot, but its useless if i dont apply the stuff when i play. I am auto-piloting all the time even tho i m only playing 4 tables. i dont think about ppl's ranges when i play, i just bet 1/2 pot because its a type 1 board and b/3bet cos i have an aggressive gamble.

I really don't know wot to do anymore, i feel like i can play good poker when playing my A game, but i can only play my A game when i m not running bad. I feel like my understanding of the game is decent when looking at forum posts and analyising HHs etc. But when it comes to playing, all i worry bout is how much i m up or down for the session. If i m up, i will tighten up trying to protect my win, if i m down i will start making desperate call when i only beat a bluff. I just dont have the mentality to become a good poker player

I only have 9 months left to become a winning player at 200NL, and at this rate i just cant see it happening. May be i shud just quit and concentrate on my study and get a job like everyone else when i finish Uni, I dont want to look back in 9 months time and think how much time i have wasted.


  1. If you can't play your A game work on improving your B+ and below game. Watch student caines videos on leggo or Jared Tendlers on stox. Identify all the things that put you on tilt and work on improving them.

    Oh and stop putting pressure on yourself that you have to be beating 200nl in 9 months or you must get a job. Getting a job is not a bad thing. It helps give you greater perspective when playing poker for a living. Personally I needed to realise how much I hated working life before I started playing poker full time to ensure I stick at it through the hard times.

    I'd work hard at your studies no matter what so you have no regrets at the end. I didn't put the effort in for my studies and was disappointed with my results. I felt like I let myself down and my family who wanted good things for me down. Also poor results will handicap you when looking for a job making it more likely you will end up doing something you truly hate. Poker will always be here, don't stress.

  2. I agree with Chris about continuing to do well at the university. You've invested numerous years getting a fine education, and it's my opinion that bypassing a full time, enriching career opportunity to become a poker pro is a mistake. CTS, aejones, Brian Hastings, David Benefield, balugawhale, among other great online players continue to go to school or recently graduated from college. They are among the elite yet they have the right priorities. For others like you and I who are unlikely to be elite players, the advantage of online poker include an opportunity to earn an excellent supplemental income that allows us to do things that we otherwise may not be able to afford. It can also give you flexibility in your career interests to choose an occupation that may not high paying yet is rewarding and fun. Like Chris says, "Poker will always be here."

  3. Thanks for the comments guys, ur guys r right, poker will always be there. I will just work hard at uni and enjoy playing poker rather than worrying bout moving up and shit. I m going to take a week break and watch some student caine. Thanks for the support guys, gl and play well.

  4. I got a job after Uni first too.

    Fwiw, you're right when you say you do have a really good understanding of poker, as well as a high poker IQ (Ie, you ask the right questions, are constantly thinking about adjustments, etc).

    Your problems seem similar to what mine were, and still are to an extent. What I've found works is this:

    Make a blog post stating that you're about to play for an exact hour, and after that hour you're going to post every winning and losing hand over say 40bbs. You;ll find when playing this hour that every hand gains more significance, and the fact that you 'have' to post every losing hand concentrates your mind into not doing anything ridiculous and being able to justify everything you do.

    If you just play for 7 hours straight, then you're right you just keep clicking button after button trying to get even or stay ahead. There's no end goal there, and you do random spew to increase your variance in the hope of getting even, safe in the knowledge that if it goes wrong then a) no1 will know about it, b) you've got 8 hours left to turn it around.

    Doing as I suggest above makes the only goal of the session to play every hand in that session perfectly, and your more medium and long term goals of profit amounts will flow from that one simpler goal.


  5. Thanks Dan, ye after watching mental game vids, i think i need to set small goals (e.g 3btting and cbetting strategies etc) for each session and let result take care of itselfs. May be i can give myself a score after each session like u were doing before. Posting all the big winning and losing hands seems like a v good idea, that should stop me spewing so i dont look like an idiot on here.
