Saturday 15 May 2010


havent updated this for fucking ages, the reason is that i just havent been playing much at. I played just a little over 30k hands since my downswing. i ve been playing well for the most part, i havent really tilted, my thought process at the table is a lot more clear than it used to be, I m no longer auto-piloting etc. I have been setting small goals for each session e.g 3betting like a beast, cbetting - how turn and river change his range etc. This really helps me a lot, it stops me focusing on money and helps me to play the best i can.

So uni s pretty much finished now, I ve handed in all my coursework this week, and all my lectures has finished, now i just need to do my dissertation which i dont have to hand in til september. So from now on I will be start playing a lot more, I am going to play 4hrs a day with 2hrs of reviewing hands a day and post interesting ones here. I am goin set a rountine up like grog did in his blog and follow it religiously.

After hearing so many good poker players go on about how important exercise is etc, i decided to join the gym close by. I havent been to gym for about 5 yrs, pretty much since my knee operation, and omg i m so fucking weak and skinny!! i lost almost 3 stones of muscles and i cant bench shit anymore (was struggling with 50kg lol). Being the weakest guy in the gym really piss me off, so i decided i m goin 2 hit the gym hard and go at least 3 times a week. Right now I weigh just a little over 13st, by September i want to go up to 14.5 stones and bench at least 110kg! prop bet anyone?

Going to Venice on Sunday for a few days with my gf for our 5 yr anniversary, really looking forward to it, going to eat lots of nice food there :)



  1. Good to see your back. FWIW when I hit the gym for the first time in years I got a trainer and he had me start benching at 25kg. Ya gotta get the muscles working again and then build up or ya hurt yourself!

  2. Start with the bar!

    Also, congrats on having an existing girlfriend that lets you suddenly start playing poker, from what I've heard that's not easy.

    Post some hands, or send me some!

  3. Ye i should just take it easy and build it up slowly, i will look like a dick for a couple of months, but sooner or later they will call me the beast from the east!!

    Grog, my gf actually hates me playin poker,in fact we had so many arguments cos of it. so now i just try not to mention it to her.

    Ye will be posting hands soon, just want to make a few post about cbetting and 3betting strategies to see what u guys think
