Monday 22 February 2010

Few hands from last week

Rivering the straight, Villain is 23/15 over 1k hands, seems to be pretty bad
PSR is 19, i c/r with my gutshot here as i expect villain cbetting's range is very wide here. When he called, i think he could def have FD, Kx, QQ may be Jx, i also think he can be flatting with sets and KJ here some percentages of the time. I bet turn repping flush, trying to get him to lay down his marginal made hands, i think villain can really call with a Kx+ (sets and 2pairs that didnt 3bet flop) and a flush here, and folding the rest.
On the river, i hit my straight with 1 PSB left. I am not really sure what to do, i dont know if he will call with hands that i beat if i shove. My image is pretty bad, so there might b a chance i might get look up.
What do you guys think? I am thinking c/f > shove > c/c. But my friend thinks its a c/c as he thinks we have a bluff catcher here, but i just cant see him bluffing here ever. He cant possibly call a c/r and turn bet with air, i also dont think he will turn a made hand into a bluff in this spot too.

Pair+FD on turn deep, villain in this hand is 18/14.
Our PSR on the flop is 24. His cbet is kind of small on such a wet board, I guess the flop call is standard, does any1 like turning our hand into a semibluff being so deep?
PSR on turn is 11, i m really not sure what to do on the turn, i think draws and most strong made hands will just bet the turn to protect with 2 FDs out there. I am not sure the reason for my turn bet, may be i should just check behind on the turn and take a freebie? Our hand could still best, so i kind of feel like betting for protection.
I wasn't really expecting the c/r, wasnt sure what to do? What do u guys think? I dont really like calling as our draw is kind of obvious, not sure if i will get paid very often. Shoving is kind of meh too, i just dont think i have that much FE. I guess this is a fold?
If we call the turn c/r, and hit trips or 2 pair, are we calling if villain bets? My friend reckons he has a set a lot when c/r turn, therefore suggesting we should fold even if we hit our 2pair or trips outs.

QQ 3bet pot A high flop. Villain is 39/26 over 23hands so doesnt really mean much
PSR on flop is 3.2, i guess we dont mind stacking off here. My plan was to bet flop and call a raise. Villain donks 2/3pot into me, really wasnt sure what to make of it. I think most people will just c/c with Ax, and c/r with draw, so may be its a bet for information? I decided to call, keeping his range wide. He donks again on the turn, stacking off here is ok ye?

Floped Nutflush but fucked up
. Villain is 24/16, i decided just to call preflop because hes folding a lot of 3bets.
PSR on flop is 18, i considered donking here but think c/r is better. I fucked up my raise size completely, should make it much bigger.
Turn is pretty shitty, but i think sets will probably get it in on the flop some percentage of the time, so i think he could have some overpairs and shit that will bet to protect when checked to.
I went for a c/r again trying to look like i m c/shoving with Ac. I know i fucked this hand up pretty badly, how would u guys play this turn, just keep betting?

FD 3bet pot IP as PFR

Villain is a 42/15 fish.
PSR on the flop is 2.6 which is pretty awkward for draws. I think i should of just check behind on flop and take a freebie as we cant get the last bet in. I ended up betting, what do you guys think of my bet size? Shall i make it bigger maxmizing our FE and making it easier to call it off? i was thinking by making it small, i can do a close to a pot size shove maximaing our FE. Once i get raised, we need 33% to continue, our FD has 36% equity vs Ax and the fact he could shove with worse draw, i decided to call

Turn Flush on paired board
Villain is 31/21, seems to be pretty fish but on the aggro side. I should be folding river right, i beat nothing but a bluff. I ended up calling cos i was tilting like a beast and my river bet size was so shitty, i was worried i induced the shove

3bet pot turned TP

Villain is 31/15 fish, Is this standard? we can still get value from worse on the turn right?

Pair+FD 3bet pot on turn 200bb deep
Cbet on the flop is pretty meh, its kind of protection but mostly as a semibluff. i think i can put a lot of pressure on JJ QQ etc. I decided to bet again on the turn as i think most marginal hands that call flop will have a tough time calling. what do u guys think i shud do once i got c/r? I dont think i have much FE if i shove here, so idecided to call thinking my 2pair and trips could be outs too and there are still a fair bit of money left. Once i hit my trips, i cant really fold right?

Let me know what u think guys, ur comments are much appreciated.


  1. Hand 1) On the flop sometimes I check call looking to rep a variety of things on different cards later; somtimes I check fold; Sometimes I check raise; sometimes after check raising I double barrel and sometimtes I check fold. I actually think given the nature of the board that his range is decently strong on the turn and I check fold. Like the hands we can fold are a J sometimes (which doesn't always bet the flop), but even they call with heart redraws and sometimes a weak K and sometimes QT which we are ahead of, but flushes are in his ranges too therefore this is one particular time I give up. Btw deciding what to do ie c/c c/r or c/f really depends on what your perceptiosn of the player are. For example, if villain bets all air and the middling part of his range on the flop I am much more likely to check raise and apply pressure on him. If villain is polareised on the flop ie bets air and strong hands/draws, but pot controls with the middle of his range I will check call. If villain is a pain in the ass i.e never folds, will 3bet bluff and generally make life hell for me oop I just check fold.

    Anyways, on the river however you have a psb left and you river your hand if you check you would and he jams you would be relying on him overplaying a hand worse than yours because he has showdown value after calling flop and turn and the only hands that might do that are slowplayed sets (highly unlikely btw) and KQ or T9 and since T9 will probably have folded the turn and KQ should know that it can't get value from worseit is much closer to a c/f than a c/c. However, there is an unwritten rule in bluffing like this that if you hit your hand given the size of the pot you created you must go with it. In this instance you do have a problem because you are over repping your hand but can technically still get called by worse even if it will be unlikely to get called that often by worse but still betting >> check folding >> check calling imo.

    Hand 2. I much prefer calling like you did on a wet board texture like this and save raising for 9h8h or something. I always bet this turn because you are deep, when he checks I assume tohave the best handand I want to protect andif he raises we are deep enough that we can peel. When he check raises you have a bluff catcher to go with your draw lets call and play poker, there's no need to jam as a semi bluff because when he takes this line he is not folding his value hands. Why are you wanting to fold - we have a pair + a flush redraw. Did he show you a set of nines?

    QQ seems fine. I'd probably have checked if checked to tho.

    AKs you didnt check raise very big. I usually amke it 3.5x as standard. I just bet call the turn as he can have worse flush draws and hands like QQ hoping for a safe turn or 8c7 etc It's just a cooler, you are getting the money in anyway you play it.

    K9s you can bet it, you can check it w/e with the psr so small it really doesn't matter just as long as you never fold. I personally prefer betting big fo fold equity, but that's my personal preference nothing else.

    87s. I bet bigger on the river did you bet smaller to get crying calls or to induce him to turn something into a bluff? I think bobbo would say you have a flush Martin and why can't he be overvaluing 6x and he'd prob bluff catch with a flush but fold anything less.

    AK. Not a fan of the turn bet considering his range. Love check calling for pot control and c/fing to a river bet. As played fold fold fold to his raise!

    85s I can't imagine playing this too differently. He can have AT on the river and some hands like QsJs. You just got coolered imo.

  2. P.S. Please forgive my typos.I just reread some of what I wrote and laughed at polareised. I have fat fingers or maybe dyslexia imo.

  3. Yo Chris, thanks v much for taking ur time to write all these, dont worry bout typos, u type much better than me

    Hand 1, At the time on the turn, i was like "fuck i have to bet this to rep the flush" But after reading what u said, i agreed his range is actually pretty strong on the turn. I think our thought processes r very similar on river, personally i hate c/c, but undecided btw shoving and c/f. I ended up shoving the river thinking i could still get called by worse, but he had A8hh

    Hand 2: I was pretty tilted at the time, i ended up shoving cos i was so pissed (need to sort out my tilt), and yes he did have 99 in the end. If we call the turn c/r and hit trips or 2pair, we are calling right? What if it is a blank, can we still call?

    Nut flush, ye i should of make my raise much bigger on flop especially we are more than 100bb deep. Glad u think it just a cooler, i been losing so much lately i m having the monster under bed syndrome

    K9s, i guess if we are going to bet/call, we might as well bet big to max FE like u said. If i bet small and leave a PSB on turn, he might not fold if we shove after putting so much money in with his margianl hand.

    Flush on paired board, ye i did bet to get a crying call. I dont really understand what you are trying to say in this hand, ur saying we should just bet call it off. He ended up having 44 btw, weird

    AK, i get what u mean, even we have TPTK in a 3bet pot, it just not that strong on this board texture.

    85s, villain ended up having 77, glad u think i played it fine

    Thanks a lot dude, hope ur running good like yesterday

  4. I am saying bobbo would tell you to never fold the flush, to bluff catch with it and possibly it'sok to fold some other hands that you might have bet the river with like AK going for thin value (although Rob prob calls that too lol but you get the point).

  5. aha, I get what u mean, i can def see bobbo calling AK there lol
