Sunday 7 February 2010

Hey guys......

After reading Dan's and Chris's blogs, i think its a good idea to start 1 myself, It is going to force me to review hands i ve played which i dont do nearly often enough. Before posting hands and shit I just want to say i failed reaching my goal of 2009. My goal was to move from 25NL to 200NL, but i only managed to make it to 100NL in the end. The main reason of me failing was because I didnt play enough hands, i only managed to play 130k hands which is fucking poor. Also i just wasn't working hard enough on my game, I didn't really post in the forum, watched any videos or review any hands.

I m not going to make the same mistake this year, it is going to be different this time, I m going to be playing at least 30k hands a month and reviewing hands at least 4 times a week. By the end of the year, I want to be a consistent winner at 200NL and hopefully be ready for 400NL.

I will be start posting hands here tomorrow ( still trying to work out how!! )If you guys have time, have a look and give me some comments please, your feedbacks would be much appreciated.

Good luck at the table guys

ps. English s not my 1st language, so I will be making tons of mistakes, hope u guys don't find it to hard to understand.

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