Thursday 18 February 2010

Just a quick whine, please ignore!!

After the -7bis session last week, i recovered well and won 5.5bis bk the next two sessions and finished the week 5bis up and 4bis below EV. This week been pretty shitty so far 700 down and fucking 7bis below EV.

I am really unhappy about my play the last couple of weeks, Iam playing way too passive, not 3betting enough, not fighting for enough pots postflop, and trying to make hero calls all the fucking time. My stats for the last 10k hands is 30/23 only 3betting 4% of the time, I guess i am calling too much and not 3betting enough. And because of this, my redline suffered like a beats, 7bis down after 8k hands.

I am not going to play much more this week, I need to review all the hands i have played and will be posting tons of hands here in the next couple of days!! I am also going to watch some Student Caine and make some notes on bobbo's coaching from the last couple of sessions.

Next week is going to be a good one, I am not going to keep feeling sorry for myself, I am going to man up and play really fucking aggro, the regs at 100NL are going the fuck down!! Also I will be doing some sweats with Chris on Wednesday, really looking forward to it!! I m sure I will learn a lot from him.

Hope u guys are doing well, good luck at the tables every1!!!

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