Monday 8 February 2010

some hands i played last week

I played these 3 hands last week which i m not happy with the way i play them, any comments would be much apperciated

Hand 1:
JJ 3bet pots OOP, villain is 22/16 3bet 5% after 1.2k hands, my image is not very good, was running around 34/30 at the time. I played with villain a fair bit so i assume he knows i actually fold to 3bet a lot especially OOP.

Preflop: I don't think we can do anything but call. Since we are kind of deep i don't think villain will be 3betting with QQ and AK very often, so i think his nut range is probably very narrow but bluff range is probably wideish Axo SGs etc.

Flop: Our PSR is around 6, I think we have a nut hand here and are pretty happy to get it in right? I m not entirly sure about how to maxmize with our hand on the flop. I was thinking of raising and give him the room to jam with his draw etc, but by raising we only only get shoved on by draw and an overpair, so we are either slightly ahead or crushed. So may be it is better just to call and give him a chance to barrel on turn with his air?

Turn: Not loving the turn obviously, i considered of folding, but i think villain can still stay aggressive with his FD and used the Ace as a scared card, also i think villain would check behind with KK and QQ a lot of the time.

River: The ace pairing is kind of good, less likely he has an Ace, but the flush got there. I m really not sure what to do here, its hard to believe he is firing 3 barrels with complete air, so i guess its a fold?

Hand 2:
Another JJ 3bet pot Villain is 18/13 nit 3bet 5%, the guy who cold call the 3bet is just a fish

Flop: PSR is slightly more than 2, so i guess we are never folding. so i was just planning on c/c down

Turn: after the 3bettor check behind on turn, i m pretty sure i have the best hand, shall i bet to protect against his potential 6 outers? or shall i check and give him another choice to have a stab

River: gay river, we are getting pretty good odds, do u think this s a call? I personally think he s never bluffing here

Hand 3:
2pair on type 5 board, Villain is 46/35 over 86 hands, doesnt seem to be fishy tho. He just sucked out on me like 10 hands ago 130 deep, so he might think i m tilting like a beast

Flop: PSR is 15, even i have 2 pair, i still not 100% sure if we have a nut hand here. I don't think villain is ever donking with air here, so its either combo draw, sets ( he will prob 3bet JJ TT pre), worse and better 2pairs. Does anyone like flatting the donk and get it in on blank turn when our equity is much better?


  1. Pretty strange seeing casade @ 100nl, he was a big winner at 5/10+ then disappeared overnight. Pf you chose not to 4bet that's fine though 161bb you aren't that deep really and casade can definitely get it in with worse esp with your unclean image. with a 5% 3bet his bluff range should actually be smaller than his value range. However, casade shows up in 3bet pots with all sorts of junk from time to time. I guess it depends on his mood or what he thinks of you. I'd raise the flop though (even more so with a bad image). With a PSR a little over 6, you get max value from TT/99 if he chose to 3bet them; give him an opportunity to spaz out with AK/AQ that thinks you are fos; get it in now ahead of most flush draws and also just prevent yourself making mistakes on future streets.
    Turn I can go either way,probably leaning towards a fold. The river i'm definitely folding.The Ace pairing is an awful bluff card and casade knows this and is unlikely to bluff it.

    hand 2: Lead the turn for value against the fish and protection against the potential 6 outer. There is no reason not to bet it. The original 3bettor has given up and the cold caller has shown he hasn't got a strong enough hand to bet but may call a bet. The river is a fold. He bet an amount to get a crying call with AK. Obviously there are as many combos of AQ and Ak, but he may not 3bet AQ, may bet the flop with it and would likely bet bigger on the river to deter calls.

    Hand 3 your link is broken.

  2. Thanks for the comments, ye i think raising flop in hand 1 is def better especially being OOP, i will know better nxt time.
    Ye also agree in hand 2 that i should of bet, hes such a nit, its probably unlikely he will bluff anyway, pot is pretty big also, so its worth protecting i guess

  3. JJ- yeh Casade's a really big winner at 5-10. I'd actually call down here, although the river's technically a 'bad' card to fire again at, your hand is still face up as an underpair and in his shoes I'm literally thinking "well, it's going to take 3 streets to move him off it". Plus, he won't always be betting the ace on the flop IP, so it's a little incongruent. With all that's said and done RE the above, it's important to remember that the villain still has to be capable of this bluff, and he certainly is.

    JJ V2- yeh on the turn I'm leading for value and protection. More likely value from the fish, but other villain could conceivably have 3bet some sort of 9. Yeh horrible river, and he bet so small into two players including the fish, it's a crying fold for me, mistake was made on the turn though.

    J9- you know, PSR of > 15, I'm not putting this hand into my nut function, rather, the top of my calling range. Obv we're gonna see a ton of bad turns and we lose a small pot, but there's literally dozens of combos that put us behind on this flop or have us in bad shape with pair+flush/ oesd+flush etc. Say turn was 2d, I might consider raising then, but prolly not on this flop.

  4. The first JJ hand is a bitch with 3 low cards. I would consider making a small raise. If he 3 bets, then I could comfortably fold and will have saved money.
