Friday 12 February 2010

This week so far.

I started the week really well, winning about 8 bis from monday to wednesday. But yesterday was brutual, ended up losing 7bis. I played pretty shitty this week, my bet sizing is shit, both for value and bluff. I wasnt not being aggressive enough with my 3bets, whenever i get 4bets i ll just stop 3betting the guy until i have a real hand. Obviously by the time i have a real hand, he will just fold to my 3bet. I think the reason i been playing bad is i been winning too much, especially early on in the session. Whenever i m up by say 3 bis for the session, instead of sticking to my normal game plan, i end up playing passive trying to protect my win. I will still open a ton but i will 3bet less, fold to a lot of 3bets,play my draws passively and not making any moves postflop even if i have a read. I really need to stop worrying about the money and just focuses on making good decisions.

I don't actually have too many hands to post this week, nothing interesting really came up. But here are two hands which i m not sure about.

Preflop raiser is 11/6 and DNALAND is a 33/11 AF 5 aggressive fish.

Flop:PSR is 17 against the nit and 25 vs the fish. I am obviously happy to get the money in against both players, so i raised flop both for value and protection. I guess i should of raised bigger, making it 55 about right?

Turn: Turn card is a fucking disaster, i really didn't know what to do. I guess with PSR of less than 2, i should just bet/call it off? But i ended up check calling and hoping the board will paired

River: I missed, and he shoves, i m getting little better than 3 to 1, so i need to b right about 25% of the time. The only missed draw there is QJ, but i guess he can still shove for value with worse? I ended calling in the end.

Villain in this hand is 29/23 over 200 hands, my reads on him is he plays back a lot when he gets 3bets either by 4betting or making moves postflop, but may be he just had a hand who knows.

Given my read, i guess i shouldn't of 3bet him with junk at the 1st place.

Flop: PSR is around 22, i cbet hoping to take it down. But villain raised me which i wasnt expecting at all. I think with AA and KK, he wud of just 4bet preflop and try getting it in. I think some % of time AK and QQ will just flat. So when he called my 3bet, i think he has PP, SCs and SGs and suited boardway, suited Aces etc. At the time, i just didnt think there are many hands he can raised this flop with. Being so deep, i dont think he will always raise with AK AQ, i think he will just go for the c/c line. So the only hands he can raise me with is FD, 9x, 99, A9 which will prob chose to slow play anyway since its very possible i m cbetting with a wide range. I was pretty sure he was shitting on my chest, so i decided to float him, and shove over his turn bet if he bets. But looking back, my hand is so shit with no equity, i guess i shud just fold.

Turn: now i have SD value, i decided to call instead of shoving, and after calling turn i guess theres no way back for me

I guess this is way too FPS? Shud of just fold to the flop raise right?

Hope u guys r running good both in life and poker, Peace!


  1. Hopefully you have recovered from your - 7 buyin day.

    Hand 1 (TT) Normally i'd tell you to bet call the turn, but in this specific instance I think a c/c c/f line is prudent. When two people call your flop check raise you can be quite confident that the vast majority of the time one of them has a flush draw.

    Hand 2 (k8o) I'm not a fan of the 3bet but it's w/e. Personally I keep these situations simple nowadays and I bet fold the flop or I could delay cbet this board texture as well sometimes. I understand your thought process on the flop and turn and there was a time and a place I got involved in these spots - if villain check raised the flop with a draw or air and decided to fire 2, it is highly likely that they are going to give up on the river after you call twice because it looks like you aren't going to fold and actually have a legitimate hand of at least an Ace which on this board and given pf perceives itself to be the nuts.

  2. Thanks for the response Chris

    Hand 1: I ended up calling turn and river cos i was tilting and it turned out my hand was good the fish has QJo, I still think its a bad call tho, just got lucky.

    Hand 2: ye 3betting K8o is not great, I guess Kxs would be a lot better. Do u ever 3bet SCs and SGs here? Or is it better to flat being so deep? I think ur right that hes v likely to give up draw and air on river since we looked committed. Villain ended up having QTo, but i guess we can't really show profit in the long run playing like this.

  3. WOW Martin you are on fire. Maybe this is why I suck these days, too willing to fold and keep out of marginal spots.

    If the fish is so bad he bets a Q on the river then it's a snap call versus him.

    Sick read on the second guy. He clearly doesn't give up the river with a flush draw if he is jamming complete air.

    Don't just agree with me btw - CHALLENGE me!

  4. Ha i m not on fire at all dude, the only reason i called in hand 1 is because i was slightly on tilt. I don't think my call on the river will show profit in long run.

    I am kind of impressed with myself in hand 2, but just worried its little too FPS, you mentioned on skype before that i don't really need to do stuff like this to beat 100NL.

    Will be posting lots of hands tonight, will try and CHALLENGE you then :)

  5. The thing about hand 2 that i'd worry about. What happens if the turn is a J and the river is a 9. Do you still call? Do you still feel comfortable calling. I feel like turning the king somewhat helps reinforce your plan to call down - obvy I could be way off here... your hand value is effectively the same.

  6. If the turn is a J or 9, i probably wont call even our hand value is effectively the same as u said. Ur right, turning the K def helps reinforcing the plan, cant see myself calling down with just K high.If we can't call, what do u think of a shove? We wont be repping much, but hes full of shit too, so whoever put the last bet in wins the pot i guess? And even if he calls with FD, our K high cud still hold up.

  7. Grog would love it, personally i'm trying avoid these spots.
