Thursday 9 December 2010

Best thing I bought

For the past 5 years, I always get super tired during the day, and well awake at night. It didnt matter how much I sleep I get the night before, I will always be tired in the day, I cant focus and concentrate.

So now i bought this SAD light thingy (see link below) I no longer feel like shit in the day, I can get so much more done these days. Its prob the best thing I bought in the past 10 yrs, highly recommended!!

Friday 5 November 2010

Short update, shuffle and flow homework

Just when i got the ball rolling, fucking potraiser locked my money for over a month. i ended up playing 100NL on bodog, volume has been low cos i just cant play my A game often enough when i worry bout my money at potraiser and HEM not working on Bodog (finding excuse not 2 play i guess) Been playing really well, following my session goals most of the time. i been owning lots of other regs, i just feel i m so much better than almost every1 at this limit. I go thru phrases where i feel i m really good but then lose a bunch of money afterwards and realize i actually sucks lol, so hopefully wont happen this time.

Just started watching Travis Steff's vids on DC, and there is some homework after each video, i am going to be doing this everyweek and post it here. Heres the 1st one:

Write down everything you do each day to prepare to win in poker.

How much time do you commit?

What things are you doing exactly?

Well I try to spend roughly 4 hrs a day doing poker related stuff, but I often find excuses not to do anything. E.g meeting up with friends, playing playstation etc.

When I actually do play, I will usually have three 1hr sessions and finish the day with 1hr of HHs review and making notes. Somedays when I don’t feel like playing, I will just watch vids for 4hrs, the concentration level is usually very low, I always have to rewind, also I always get distracted during this period such as talking 2 ppl on skype, browsing etc. so in the end I only really get to watch 2 vids in the span of 4hrs.

Go through that list.

What other things could you be doing more of that you aren’t doing enough of?

Things I don’t do enough are basically playing, I should be playing more sessions during the day instead of being lazy. I am happy with the way I review HHs, but I guess I should be posting in this blog more often and write down my thought process

What things you should be doing that aren’t doing at all.

Getting into a routine, go to sleep early and get up early, eat healthily and regularly

Doing sweats and discussing HHs with other people, its something I want to get involved but most poker friends I have play higher than me so doing sweat and discussing HHs would be a waste of time for them.

What are you doing that you know you shouldn’t be doing?

Staying up late, getting smashed, chatting shit with friends during the day, playing playstation, eating junk food, downloading and watching porn and fucking livejasmin.

GL everyone

Tuesday 14 September 2010

All done now :)

Havnet really been playing for the last couple of months or so due to dissertation and uni, but its all done now. Going to start playing next week, will probably play 500 to 1k hands a day to start and gradually build it up to 1.5k to 2k hands a day by end of the yr.

I will prob start to play 50k hands at 50NL (euros) since i havent been playing for so long plus i have turned into a even bigger BR nit, then move up to 100NL and grind there til i make 10k then move up to 200NL sometime next yr.
I feel like i ve got the skill to beat 200NL, i just need to make sure i play my A game as often as possible and not tilt when things get really shitty.
One thing that helped me loads after my 40bi downswing was focusing on small goals for each session instead of on my cashier, the goals i wd b focusing are as follows:

  1. 3betting different ranges vs different players based on their tendency.
  2. Cbetting and knowing firing multiple barrels in 3bet pots ( i feel like my cbetting strategies r pretty ok in single raise pot)
  3. Beware of gameflow at all time, dont make plays just because its my standard e.g 3betting and 4betting pre, barrelling etc.
  4. Beware of PSR, knowing how to set up betsize to put the last bet in or let villain to put last bet in etc.
  5. Making sure not to autopilot

Beside these goals, i am going to make a real effort in experimenting:

  1. Leading into PFR esp BB vs LP (grog gave me a lesson on leading a while back so will be trying that shit out, ty)
  2. More cold 4bet bluffing, i hardly ever see ppl do it in my limit and my cold 4bet always seems to get a lot of respect, so will prob be doing 1:1 air to nuts ratio ( depends on gameflow obv)
  3. Turning made hands into bluffs, this s an area i been thinking about a lot, don't really have a clue when to do it but i guess i will find out by doing it.
Off table work:
To get better at poker, i am going to need to do a lot more work off the table.
I am going to spend at least 2hrs a day working on my game which will mainly be reviewing hands, making notes on opponents and making gbucks calculations (no idea how yet but will figure it out) and watch some vids too if i ve got nothing else to do.

Thats all i could think of for now, will add more if i can think of anything else, any suggestion wd b cool.

Hope everyone s running good in life and poker!!


Tuesday 15 June 2010

Short term poker goals. And some hands from today

Bet sizing - dont just bet 1/2pot because its a type 1 board, think about who the villain is and his range? if villain is never folding a pair, bet big for value. If villan is folding to any bet, bet smaller as a bluff.

3betting - 3betting different ranges vs different players. More tweener hands if they like calling, and suited trash if they fold too much. And pay more attention to gameflow, adjust air:nut ratio based on recent history. dont just 3bet bluff because it is in our normal air function.

Cbetting - just like bet sizing, think about who villain is, how hard did the board hit him? How likely is he going to peel light? Think about his strong/weak range on the turn, can we fold out his weak hands by firing multiple barrels? knowing where the point of honesty is for villain.

Dont call too much in the blinds - Dont defend shit like small SCs and PPs just because bobbo is doing it, just have to admit i am not good enough to play them profitably OOP for now.

PSR - beware with PSR at all time to plan better bet size, and think about how to max vs worse hands with diff PSR.

Hand 1: Facing donk bets 3 streets
Villain is 20/15 donk bet 11% of the time.
History: I joined this site 2days ago, and villain has been pretty aggressive preflop against me, but i have been owning him with 4bet bluffs + he ran into the nuts a few times. My image is pretty laggy, running at around 28/24 3bet round 10%

I can def see him donking the flop as a bluff, but when he donk into me 3streets, i think its either air or nuts. There is no semibluff in his range, i have a bluffcatcher on the river. His value range is really narrow but i just dont think he is donking 3 streets into me as a bluff, i guess i should fold?

Hand 2: Value bet river?
Same villain but this hand actually happened before.
I think when he calls my cbet, his range cant be very strong as i expect most sets and straight will raise flop, i think with FD he will raise me some% of the time too, i think his mostly range is 77 - JJ pair + str8 draw etc. So after he calls my cbet i planned on firing 3 barrels on good turn and river cards. Turn is pretty decent card to rep so i went ahead and bet it, but i expect most mid pairs will still call one more street so i was going to bluff him on most rivers.
But now i hit my ace which i think its the best hand like always, how should i maximize? Shall i value bet? i think all those mid pairs i ve mentioned earlier will have a tough time calling, if i decide to bet, how much shall i bet? a small bet since his range is most likely to be weak? or shall i bet big to look like a bluff? or is checking to bluff catch vs missed draws a better idea?

Hand 3: TP 3bet pot
Villain is 18/14 folds to resteal 67%. I dont really feel all that comfortable calling with ATo OOP vs this guy so decided to 3bet which is probably bad.
Even tho i flopped TP, i m not that excited because he is pretty tight. Do we want to just bet 3 streets for value? or is my line ok?

Monday 14 June 2010

Ok, i lied!! some hands

After writing up my rountine, i didnt stick to it. i have been getting up early everyday, have breakfast lunch regularly, but i havent stick to my playing schedule. I have been playing very little over the last 2 weeks, instead of playing, i have been working on my game.

I have been watching these vids made by a stox coach called matt janda teaching how to play game theory optimal. I found the vids very very interesting, it showed me what is the optimal calling frequency vs different bet sizes on each street and optimal bluffing frequencies based on my best sizes. I dont know how useful this GTO stuff is to my game, i m not planning on playing GTO, just thought knowing what the optimal strategy will allow me to understand better at exploiting people's leaks.

I have also been using stoxev, to work on 3betting ranges and 4betting ranges and calculate the EV of my cbetting strategies on different boards. i feel like stoxev has improved my understanding of the game a lot, i think i know a lot better when to cbet, when to fire multiple barrels and when not to.

I dont think the reason i havnet been playing is because i m lazy, i think the reason is i enjoy learning about the game too much. I spend most of my time watching vids, thinking about 3betting and 4betting ranges, calculating EV and making a ton of notes. i just dont want to play until i have totally understood the concept i have been working on. And by the time i finish with 1 concept, i will want to learn another 1, it just never end.

I need to find a way of balancing my playing and learning, theres no point in learning all these stuff if i dont play. Right now, i m probably doing 80% learning and 20% playing. I am going to change slowly, starting from this week, i will be doing 50% leaning and 50% playing, nxt week i will be doing 60/40 and hopefully 75/25 the week after that.

Anyway enough bullshit, lets look at some of the hands i have played lately. All of these hands are 50NL euro games which works out to be around 60NL. I will be grinding this stake for a month and hopefully my roll will be big enough for me to move up to the 100nl euros games.

Hand 1: misplayed AA,
Villain is a 26/4 passive fish, flop is obv standard, i bet on the bigger side because he is unlikely to fold any pair. On the turn, i suffered from the monster under the bed sydrome, i was really worried he hit his 9. But thinking about it now, there shouldnt be too many 9x in his range, i shud just bet bigger for value vs pp and charge draws. On the river, i wasn't sure if i should value bet, there shouldnt be any Kx in his range unless its Kxss, TT- QQ will prob raise PF, and i wasnt sure if 5x, 66- 88 will call another bet.

Hand 2: Value bet river?
Villain is 13/7 nit, betting flop and turn is standard, if i get raised on the turn, i will prob have to fold since he is so nitty. On the river, i dont think he is ever folding Qx but i only beat KQ, QT, JT. But QT and JT is prob not even ijn his PF calling range, i guess this is too thin and i should just c/f the river.

Hand 3: Boat on river 3bet pot.
Villain is 27/20, raise 1st 41%, fold to 3bet 68%.
PF, he is folding to a lot of 3bet and he is OOP, i think my air to nut ratio should be pretty wide here, probably 4:1 at least.
Flop: the board is kind of drawy PSR is 5.7. I didnt pay attention to the stack size and thought we are just 100bb deep, so i thought of just betting pot on flop and shove turn.
Turn: I realized i fucked up my bet size on the flop, leaving an awkward stack size opn the turn. I didnt want to bet small since there are now two flushes on the board, but i donty really want to just shove. but thinking about it now, i should either bet small giving him a chance to shove over with his draw or just shove and get called by AJ, KJ and may be TT that didnt 4bet PF.
River: not the best card for me, it is quite plausible he has Jx here, FD prob shove flop some % of the time. I cant really see him bluffing here, eff is 40bb with 150bb in the pot, he cant expect me to fold anything. what shall i do here? can i call?

Hand 4: 3bet pot spew
Villain is 20/15, fold to resteal 75%. since he is folding so much i dont want really to 3bet tweener hands vs him, so i made my Kxs and Qxs my bluff range here.
Flop: PSR is 5, the board hit his range pretty well, so i guess i shouldnt really bet the flop, but i thought i have a over and BDFD lets give it a go. He tanked and called.
Turn: because of his timing on the flop, it really made me believe he wasnt very comfortable with his what is most likely to be a marginal hand. 8 is a bad double barrel card, and i assume he knows this so if i bet here i will actually look really strong (prob levelling myself). I decided to go ahead and bet 1/2p because i think it is big enough to put his whole stack at risk and i m giving myself a good price on the bluff. But with no equity whatsoever, i should just check and give up

Hand 5: FPS again?
Villain is 21/16 cbet 50% of the time
Flop: i think when he checks turn, he has a marginally hand very often and air obv.
Turn: since i think he hasa marginal hand here a lot, it makes me want to bluff him. I could lead out here and bet river, but i wasn't sure if 2 bets s enought to make him fold, so i went for a c/r thinking i can put pressure on his med strength hand and fold out his air.
River: so at this point, i think its pretty clear he has a marginal hand, so i went ahead and bet to try and get him fold. I know i m not repping anything, but i think people at this stake generally concerns more with their hands rather than mine.


Thursday 27 May 2010


Going to be back in Manchester on Sunday, and from the 1st of June, i m going to start playing more poker and follow a proper rountine everyday. My rountine is going to be as followed:

7:30, get up and shower

8:00, breakfast (I dont have breakfast regularly, i m going to make sure i do and i wont allow myself to play until i had my breakfast)Got to make sure i have my vitamins afterwards too.

8:30, have a walk near my apartments to clear my mind and calm myself down, got to make sure i walk slowly and not rush (again not allowed to play unless this s done)

9:00, start playing, going to stick with short sessions, no longer than an hr each and have 15 mins rest in between (may be 30 mins)

12:00, review hands for the morning, make notes etc

12:45, lunch time

1:45, 15mins walk to clear my mind again

2:00, play poker again, stick with short sessions, short breaks in between

4:30, review hands played in the afternoon and make notes and posts at least 3 a day onto the blog

5:30, hit the gym every Tuesday and Thursday

The rountine is only for Monday to Friday, wkend will be dedicated for studying, watching videos and making notes, doing EV calculations and playing on StoxEV. Will be playing a couple of short sessions if i have time and hit the gym at least once too.

Sunday 23 May 2010

trip report

Sunday: Woke up at 9am to finish packing and getting ready to go to airport etc. Just before we left, manchester airport announced that they ll b shut from 1pm to 7pm due to the volcanic ash and my flight was at 1:45 FML. Hotels were all paid for and non-refundable, gf almost bursted into tears, so i kept trying to tell her its ok while trying to control my taxi driver tilt (the dude just wont stfu!!!) Anyway got to the airport and the airline said we are flying from newcastle instead and they will provide transport which was better than not going at all. After 3hrs of bus journey and another 4 hrs wait at the airport we finally left at 9pm and got there ust after midnight. We got the bus from the airport and then the ferry to the rialto bridge which was near our hotel. Finding the hotel was a pain in the ass, the streets r dark and completely dead which was pretty scary, we finally got to the hotel after walking round for 30 mins. The hotel wasnt anything i expected, but it was very nice and comfy.

Monday: We didn't wake up til mid-day so we missed the breakfast. We headed to the grand canal and had pizzas for lunch, I had a seafood one and my gf had a pepperoni, they were super nice. we didnt actually do much that day, just exploring the town and went on one of those gondola ride which was nice but slight ripoff- 60 euros for 20mins (almost as expensive as poker coaching lol)

didn't do much after the boat ride, just more walking around and an very average dinner where i spaghetti with clams and gf had lasagna. After dinner we went bk to hotel and chilled. I logged on to skype to see if

Tuesday: We managed to get up for breakfast (the only one time) which was pretty nice, we stayed in the hotel and read some books til 1pm. We then went out for lunch where i had this really sick spaghetti with cuttlefish, it looks like shit but taste fucking amazing!!

We went to St Macro square after lunch, visited the museum in the cathedral, the cathedral was pretty cool, its quite amazining how ppl built shit like these without the machineary we use today.

We then went up to the tower near by and took some more photos

Dinner that night was really good, we went to this little restaurant near the hotel. I dont know if it is the Italitan culture or just in Venice, but people have two main courses each for dinner, first course which is usally pasta and second course is usually meat or fish. I really liked having two main courses giving me excuses to try all sort of food without looking like a pig, but it was kinda expesnsive, well compared to UK at least. Theres literally nothing to do past 9pm in Venice, so we just went back to the hotel after dinner

Wednesday: We had more pizzas for lunch lol, and then we took a boat trip to 3 different islands near by. We went to the glass factory first, they had this guy demonstarting which was pretty cool, he made a vase and a horse in like 5 mins, was really impressive. The next two island was kinda really nice, not a lot to do there, so just had a few drinks sit on the grass and chilled. The boat trip finsihed at about 6pm, and thats it for the day really

Thursday: Thursday was probably my best day there, we didnt actually do much, we walked along the coast for fucking ages and found this really nice park, we had a few drinks and just chilled the fuck out there for the whole afternoon. Dinner that night was super sick, had pasta with king prawns for 1st course and then veal shanks for 2nd course, probably the best food i had this yr!!

Friday: pretty much had to go to airport soon we got up, luckily the manchester airport was reopened so didnt have to go to newcastle and get the bus.

Overall, not the most exciting trip, pretty much just walk, read, eat and sleep, but i still really enjoyed it and wd def go bk one day.

Saturday 15 May 2010


havent updated this for fucking ages, the reason is that i just havent been playing much at. I played just a little over 30k hands since my downswing. i ve been playing well for the most part, i havent really tilted, my thought process at the table is a lot more clear than it used to be, I m no longer auto-piloting etc. I have been setting small goals for each session e.g 3betting like a beast, cbetting - how turn and river change his range etc. This really helps me a lot, it stops me focusing on money and helps me to play the best i can.

So uni s pretty much finished now, I ve handed in all my coursework this week, and all my lectures has finished, now i just need to do my dissertation which i dont have to hand in til september. So from now on I will be start playing a lot more, I am going to play 4hrs a day with 2hrs of reviewing hands a day and post interesting ones here. I am goin set a rountine up like grog did in his blog and follow it religiously.

After hearing so many good poker players go on about how important exercise is etc, i decided to join the gym close by. I havent been to gym for about 5 yrs, pretty much since my knee operation, and omg i m so fucking weak and skinny!! i lost almost 3 stones of muscles and i cant bench shit anymore (was struggling with 50kg lol). Being the weakest guy in the gym really piss me off, so i decided i m goin 2 hit the gym hard and go at least 3 times a week. Right now I weigh just a little over 13st, by September i want to go up to 14.5 stones and bench at least 110kg! prop bet anyone?

Going to Venice on Sunday for a few days with my gf for our 5 yr anniversary, really looking forward to it, going to eat lots of nice food there :)


Monday 8 March 2010

I m shit....... this yr so far.....emo post

This is my graph so far this yr ( mostly 100NL on UB and some 50NL on ladbrokes), volume is low cos i only been playing since Feb.
I feel like such a failure!! there are so many fish on UB and ladbrokes, but yet i cant win shit. Doing bobbo's coaching has helped my understanding of the game a lot, but its useless if i dont apply the stuff when i play. I am auto-piloting all the time even tho i m only playing 4 tables. i dont think about ppl's ranges when i play, i just bet 1/2 pot because its a type 1 board and b/3bet cos i have an aggressive gamble.

I really don't know wot to do anymore, i feel like i can play good poker when playing my A game, but i can only play my A game when i m not running bad. I feel like my understanding of the game is decent when looking at forum posts and analyising HHs etc. But when it comes to playing, all i worry bout is how much i m up or down for the session. If i m up, i will tighten up trying to protect my win, if i m down i will start making desperate call when i only beat a bluff. I just dont have the mentality to become a good poker player

I only have 9 months left to become a winning player at 200NL, and at this rate i just cant see it happening. May be i shud just quit and concentrate on my study and get a job like everyone else when i finish Uni, I dont want to look back in 9 months time and think how much time i have wasted.

Monday 22 February 2010

Few hands from last week

Rivering the straight, Villain is 23/15 over 1k hands, seems to be pretty bad
PSR is 19, i c/r with my gutshot here as i expect villain cbetting's range is very wide here. When he called, i think he could def have FD, Kx, QQ may be Jx, i also think he can be flatting with sets and KJ here some percentages of the time. I bet turn repping flush, trying to get him to lay down his marginal made hands, i think villain can really call with a Kx+ (sets and 2pairs that didnt 3bet flop) and a flush here, and folding the rest.
On the river, i hit my straight with 1 PSB left. I am not really sure what to do, i dont know if he will call with hands that i beat if i shove. My image is pretty bad, so there might b a chance i might get look up.
What do you guys think? I am thinking c/f > shove > c/c. But my friend thinks its a c/c as he thinks we have a bluff catcher here, but i just cant see him bluffing here ever. He cant possibly call a c/r and turn bet with air, i also dont think he will turn a made hand into a bluff in this spot too.

Pair+FD on turn deep, villain in this hand is 18/14.
Our PSR on the flop is 24. His cbet is kind of small on such a wet board, I guess the flop call is standard, does any1 like turning our hand into a semibluff being so deep?
PSR on turn is 11, i m really not sure what to do on the turn, i think draws and most strong made hands will just bet the turn to protect with 2 FDs out there. I am not sure the reason for my turn bet, may be i should just check behind on the turn and take a freebie? Our hand could still best, so i kind of feel like betting for protection.
I wasn't really expecting the c/r, wasnt sure what to do? What do u guys think? I dont really like calling as our draw is kind of obvious, not sure if i will get paid very often. Shoving is kind of meh too, i just dont think i have that much FE. I guess this is a fold?
If we call the turn c/r, and hit trips or 2 pair, are we calling if villain bets? My friend reckons he has a set a lot when c/r turn, therefore suggesting we should fold even if we hit our 2pair or trips outs.

QQ 3bet pot A high flop. Villain is 39/26 over 23hands so doesnt really mean much
PSR on flop is 3.2, i guess we dont mind stacking off here. My plan was to bet flop and call a raise. Villain donks 2/3pot into me, really wasnt sure what to make of it. I think most people will just c/c with Ax, and c/r with draw, so may be its a bet for information? I decided to call, keeping his range wide. He donks again on the turn, stacking off here is ok ye?

Floped Nutflush but fucked up
. Villain is 24/16, i decided just to call preflop because hes folding a lot of 3bets.
PSR on flop is 18, i considered donking here but think c/r is better. I fucked up my raise size completely, should make it much bigger.
Turn is pretty shitty, but i think sets will probably get it in on the flop some percentage of the time, so i think he could have some overpairs and shit that will bet to protect when checked to.
I went for a c/r again trying to look like i m c/shoving with Ac. I know i fucked this hand up pretty badly, how would u guys play this turn, just keep betting?

FD 3bet pot IP as PFR

Villain is a 42/15 fish.
PSR on the flop is 2.6 which is pretty awkward for draws. I think i should of just check behind on flop and take a freebie as we cant get the last bet in. I ended up betting, what do you guys think of my bet size? Shall i make it bigger maxmizing our FE and making it easier to call it off? i was thinking by making it small, i can do a close to a pot size shove maximaing our FE. Once i get raised, we need 33% to continue, our FD has 36% equity vs Ax and the fact he could shove with worse draw, i decided to call

Turn Flush on paired board
Villain is 31/21, seems to be pretty fish but on the aggro side. I should be folding river right, i beat nothing but a bluff. I ended up calling cos i was tilting like a beast and my river bet size was so shitty, i was worried i induced the shove

3bet pot turned TP

Villain is 31/15 fish, Is this standard? we can still get value from worse on the turn right?

Pair+FD 3bet pot on turn 200bb deep
Cbet on the flop is pretty meh, its kind of protection but mostly as a semibluff. i think i can put a lot of pressure on JJ QQ etc. I decided to bet again on the turn as i think most marginal hands that call flop will have a tough time calling. what do u guys think i shud do once i got c/r? I dont think i have much FE if i shove here, so idecided to call thinking my 2pair and trips could be outs too and there are still a fair bit of money left. Once i hit my trips, i cant really fold right?

Let me know what u think guys, ur comments are much appreciated.

Thursday 18 February 2010

Just a quick whine, please ignore!!

After the -7bis session last week, i recovered well and won 5.5bis bk the next two sessions and finished the week 5bis up and 4bis below EV. This week been pretty shitty so far 700 down and fucking 7bis below EV.

I am really unhappy about my play the last couple of weeks, Iam playing way too passive, not 3betting enough, not fighting for enough pots postflop, and trying to make hero calls all the fucking time. My stats for the last 10k hands is 30/23 only 3betting 4% of the time, I guess i am calling too much and not 3betting enough. And because of this, my redline suffered like a beats, 7bis down after 8k hands.

I am not going to play much more this week, I need to review all the hands i have played and will be posting tons of hands here in the next couple of days!! I am also going to watch some Student Caine and make some notes on bobbo's coaching from the last couple of sessions.

Next week is going to be a good one, I am not going to keep feeling sorry for myself, I am going to man up and play really fucking aggro, the regs at 100NL are going the fuck down!! Also I will be doing some sweats with Chris on Wednesday, really looking forward to it!! I m sure I will learn a lot from him.

Hope u guys are doing well, good luck at the tables every1!!!

Friday 12 February 2010

This week so far.

I started the week really well, winning about 8 bis from monday to wednesday. But yesterday was brutual, ended up losing 7bis. I played pretty shitty this week, my bet sizing is shit, both for value and bluff. I wasnt not being aggressive enough with my 3bets, whenever i get 4bets i ll just stop 3betting the guy until i have a real hand. Obviously by the time i have a real hand, he will just fold to my 3bet. I think the reason i been playing bad is i been winning too much, especially early on in the session. Whenever i m up by say 3 bis for the session, instead of sticking to my normal game plan, i end up playing passive trying to protect my win. I will still open a ton but i will 3bet less, fold to a lot of 3bets,play my draws passively and not making any moves postflop even if i have a read. I really need to stop worrying about the money and just focuses on making good decisions.

I don't actually have too many hands to post this week, nothing interesting really came up. But here are two hands which i m not sure about.

Preflop raiser is 11/6 and DNALAND is a 33/11 AF 5 aggressive fish.

Flop:PSR is 17 against the nit and 25 vs the fish. I am obviously happy to get the money in against both players, so i raised flop both for value and protection. I guess i should of raised bigger, making it 55 about right?

Turn: Turn card is a fucking disaster, i really didn't know what to do. I guess with PSR of less than 2, i should just bet/call it off? But i ended up check calling and hoping the board will paired

River: I missed, and he shoves, i m getting little better than 3 to 1, so i need to b right about 25% of the time. The only missed draw there is QJ, but i guess he can still shove for value with worse? I ended calling in the end.

Villain in this hand is 29/23 over 200 hands, my reads on him is he plays back a lot when he gets 3bets either by 4betting or making moves postflop, but may be he just had a hand who knows.

Given my read, i guess i shouldn't of 3bet him with junk at the 1st place.

Flop: PSR is around 22, i cbet hoping to take it down. But villain raised me which i wasnt expecting at all. I think with AA and KK, he wud of just 4bet preflop and try getting it in. I think some % of time AK and QQ will just flat. So when he called my 3bet, i think he has PP, SCs and SGs and suited boardway, suited Aces etc. At the time, i just didnt think there are many hands he can raised this flop with. Being so deep, i dont think he will always raise with AK AQ, i think he will just go for the c/c line. So the only hands he can raise me with is FD, 9x, 99, A9 which will prob chose to slow play anyway since its very possible i m cbetting with a wide range. I was pretty sure he was shitting on my chest, so i decided to float him, and shove over his turn bet if he bets. But looking back, my hand is so shit with no equity, i guess i shud just fold.

Turn: now i have SD value, i decided to call instead of shoving, and after calling turn i guess theres no way back for me

I guess this is way too FPS? Shud of just fold to the flop raise right?

Hope u guys r running good both in life and poker, Peace!

Monday 8 February 2010

some hands i played last week

I played these 3 hands last week which i m not happy with the way i play them, any comments would be much apperciated

Hand 1:
JJ 3bet pots OOP, villain is 22/16 3bet 5% after 1.2k hands, my image is not very good, was running around 34/30 at the time. I played with villain a fair bit so i assume he knows i actually fold to 3bet a lot especially OOP.

Preflop: I don't think we can do anything but call. Since we are kind of deep i don't think villain will be 3betting with QQ and AK very often, so i think his nut range is probably very narrow but bluff range is probably wideish Axo SGs etc.

Flop: Our PSR is around 6, I think we have a nut hand here and are pretty happy to get it in right? I m not entirly sure about how to maxmize with our hand on the flop. I was thinking of raising and give him the room to jam with his draw etc, but by raising we only only get shoved on by draw and an overpair, so we are either slightly ahead or crushed. So may be it is better just to call and give him a chance to barrel on turn with his air?

Turn: Not loving the turn obviously, i considered of folding, but i think villain can still stay aggressive with his FD and used the Ace as a scared card, also i think villain would check behind with KK and QQ a lot of the time.

River: The ace pairing is kind of good, less likely he has an Ace, but the flush got there. I m really not sure what to do here, its hard to believe he is firing 3 barrels with complete air, so i guess its a fold?

Hand 2:
Another JJ 3bet pot Villain is 18/13 nit 3bet 5%, the guy who cold call the 3bet is just a fish

Flop: PSR is slightly more than 2, so i guess we are never folding. so i was just planning on c/c down

Turn: after the 3bettor check behind on turn, i m pretty sure i have the best hand, shall i bet to protect against his potential 6 outers? or shall i check and give him another choice to have a stab

River: gay river, we are getting pretty good odds, do u think this s a call? I personally think he s never bluffing here

Hand 3:
2pair on type 5 board, Villain is 46/35 over 86 hands, doesnt seem to be fishy tho. He just sucked out on me like 10 hands ago 130 deep, so he might think i m tilting like a beast

Flop: PSR is 15, even i have 2 pair, i still not 100% sure if we have a nut hand here. I don't think villain is ever donking with air here, so its either combo draw, sets ( he will prob 3bet JJ TT pre), worse and better 2pairs. Does anyone like flatting the donk and get it in on blank turn when our equity is much better?

Sunday 7 February 2010

Hey guys......

After reading Dan's and Chris's blogs, i think its a good idea to start 1 myself, It is going to force me to review hands i ve played which i dont do nearly often enough. Before posting hands and shit I just want to say i failed reaching my goal of 2009. My goal was to move from 25NL to 200NL, but i only managed to make it to 100NL in the end. The main reason of me failing was because I didnt play enough hands, i only managed to play 130k hands which is fucking poor. Also i just wasn't working hard enough on my game, I didn't really post in the forum, watched any videos or review any hands.

I m not going to make the same mistake this year, it is going to be different this time, I m going to be playing at least 30k hands a month and reviewing hands at least 4 times a week. By the end of the year, I want to be a consistent winner at 200NL and hopefully be ready for 400NL.

I will be start posting hands here tomorrow ( still trying to work out how!! )If you guys have time, have a look and give me some comments please, your feedbacks would be much appreciated.

Good luck at the table guys

ps. English s not my 1st language, so I will be making tons of mistakes, hope u guys don't find it to hard to understand.